Hi mamas! Let's get you prepped for that exciting but anxiety inducing car ride to the hospital with our ultimate survival guide to labouring in the car. Here are seven tips to ensure you arrive ready to rock the birthing suite. Buckle up and let's dive in!
1. Bathroom Breaks are a Must
Seriously though, hit the loo before you hit the road. You already have enough to handle without a pesky full bladder. We guarantee you'll thank us later for this pearl of wisdom.
2. Let Your Partner Pack the Car
Sit back and let your birthing partner do all the prepping and loading. Your job? Stay where you are and in the zone, wait for your birthing partner to come and grab you once the car is all set. You definitely don't want to be spending more time in the car than you need to.
3. Keep your Labour Playlist Going in the Car
Re-create the mood you had while you were labouring at home with your labour playlist playing in your headphones or car speakers. Your labour playlist should be all about empowering, calming, and distracting you from any external noise.
4. Time to Fire Up your TENS Machine
If you haven't kick-started your TENS machine yet, now's the time. It can be a game-changer in managing your contractions in the car when your movement is limited. Turn up the intensity if you need to and you can use the contraction timer on there to keep an eye on the timing too.
5. Bring Pillows for Comfort
Pack a few pillows for the ride. Whether for back support, or to cradle your baby bump, comfort is the name of the game here.
6. Be Prepared for Breaking Waters – Pack Pads or Depends
If your waters have already broken you may be experiencing some leakage or you may be anticipating them breaking on the way. Wear a thick pad or some depends undies. This will keep you dry, comfortable and free to focus!
7. Pack Vomit Bags for Nausea
Labour can trigger feelings of nausea for some women, combine that with motion sickness and you'll want to be prepared! Keep a few vomit bags handy just in case. It's always better to have them and not need them, than to need them and not have them, right? If you're travelling in a taxi or Uber and worried about an off putting smell, pack peppermint oil or another essential oil you know you'll love.
There you go, ladies!
Our ultimate guide on how to survive the journey to hospital during labour promises an even smoother ride to the birthing suite.
Don't forget to bookmark this post so you can revisit it later, and remember - you've got this!
If baby bumps, childbirth and becoming a new mum is your thing (which we're pretty certain it is! 😉 ), keep an eye on our blog and follow us on instagram for more.
Check out our TENS machine hire if you'd like a drug-free method to cope with labour pains at home, on the go or at the hospital.
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